The following screenshots show what your customer's will see when they receive a payment request.

1. Request Email or SMS Text Message

Your customers will see an email with your store name.  "eStore" is the name of the store in the example below.

Your customers are greeted with their name along with identification from your store.  "eStore" is the name of the store and will be customized based on your Clover Setup app information.

2. View Request

3. Enter Address

Your customers are required to enter first name, last name and their full address.  This can update your Customers app with the "Update profile" checkbox below so that all your Customer info is up to date.

4. Enter Payment

Your customer will be required to enter valid card information.  The payment is posted to your Clover account and uses the same merchant account as your Clover device.

5. View Payment Confirmation

6. Receipt Email

Your customers will receive an email or SMS text message receipt along with a link to the detailed invoice or order to an itemized view of what was paid for.